Su Dongpo: Because of the Imperial System: Two Poems: No. 2


Because of the Imperial System, I Am in the Palace Prison, Guards Approach, I May Not Have the Temperament to Endure Much Longer, May Not Be Able to Say Good-Bye to My Brother Ziyou, So I Compose There Two Poems and Give Them to a Guard: No. 2

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Su Dongpo: Because of the Imperial System: Two Poems: No. 1


Because of the Imperial System, I Am in the Palace Prison, Guards Approach, I May Not Have the Temperament to Endure Much Longer, May Not Be Able to Say Good-Bye to My Brother Ziyou, So I Compose These Two Poems and Give Them to a Guard: No. 1

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Su Dongpo: The Words of Daoist Tang, Tianwu Mountain


[updated September 2022]


The Words of Daoist Tang, Tianwu Mountain, Look Down Upon Constant Thunder and Rain, Temple of Immortals, Tang Can Still Hear Infant Sounds Among the Clouds, But Not the Sounds of Thunder

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