Ode to the Recluses Painted On My Fan
扇 上 画 赞
三 五 道 邈, 淳 风 日 尽:
九 流 参 差, 互 相 推 陨。
形 逐 物 迁, 心 无 常 准;
是 以 达 人, 人 时 而 隐。
四 体 不 勤, 五 谷 不 分;
超 超 丈 人, 日 夕 在 耘。
辽 辽 沮 溺, 耦 耕 自 欣;
入 鸟 不 骇, 杂 兽 斯 群。
至 矣 於 陵, 养 气 浩 然;
蔑 彼 结 驷, 甘 此 灌 园。
张 生 一 仕, 曾 以 事 还;
顾 我 不 能; 高 谢 人 间。
苕 苕 丙 公, 望 崖 辄 归;
匪 骄 匪 吝, 前 路 威 夷。
郑 叟 不 合, 垂 钓 川 湄;
交 酌 林 下, 清 言 究 微。
孟 尝 游 学, 天 网 时 疏;
眷 言 哲 友, 振 褐 偕 徂。
美 哉 周 子, 称 疾 闲 居;
寄 心 清 尚, 悠 然 自 娱。
翳 翳 衡 门, 洋 洋 泌 流;
曰 琴 曰 书, 顾 盼 有 俦。
饮 河 既 足, 自 外 皆 休;
缅 怀 千 载, 托 契 孤 游。
Shan Shang Hua Zan
San wu dao miao, chun feng ri jin:
Jiu liu can cha, hu xiang tui yun.
Xing zhu wu qian; xin wu chang zhun
Shi yi da ren, ren shi er yin.
Si ti bu qin, wu gu bu fen;
Chao chao zhang ren, ri xi zai yun.
Liao liao ju ni, ou geng zi xin;
Ru niao bu hai, za shou si qun.
Zhi yi wu ling, yang qi hao ran;
Mie bi jie si, gan ci guan yuan.
Zhang sheng yi shi, ceng yi shi huan
Gu wo bu neng, gao xie ren jian.
Tiao tiao bing gong, wang ya zhe gui
Fei jiao fei lin, qian lu wei yi.
Zheng sou bu he, chui diao chuan mei
Jiao zhuo lin xia, qing yan jiu wei.
Meng chang you xue, tian wang shi shu;
Juan yan zhe you, zhen he xie cu.
Mei zai zhou zi, cheng ji xian ju;
Ji xin qing shang, you ran zi yu;
Yi yi heng men, yang yang mi liu.
Yue qin yue shu, gu pan you chou.
Yin he ji zu, zi wai jie xiu;
Mian huai qian zai, tuo qi gu you.
Ode to the Recluses Painted on My Fan
San Wu’s doctrines remote and long gone
Pure and honest people have almost disappeared.
Many different factions go in all directions
Quick to point out each other’s faults.
Outside appearances and things change one step at a time
The heart-mind without permanence.
This justifies the reasons why people of complete realization
At times have to hide in seclusion.
Intellectuals often without experiences of manual labor
And cannot distinguish the differences among the five grains.
But some of these, who cultivate from dawn to dusk
Do their work on a different level.
Ju and Ni with a very high consciousness
Plow and work side-by-side with joy
Various wild animals and birds not frightened by their presence.
Of even refinement, Wu Ling
Wrote with vast power and atmosphere.
When approached by the imperially connected
He brushed them away, to remain inside his watered garden.
Mr. Zhang held a senior government position
Realizing this work too complicated, returned home.
Looking at my case, I was also not able to work
Among the holders of imperial power.
Bing Gong’s level of awareness very high
But doing his senior position like working on the edge of cliff.
Not arrogant or stingy
He knew the road ahead was fraught with danger.
Old man Zheng without equal
Loved to fish on the riverbank.
Meeting friends, drinking wine in the forest
Sharing honest and profound words.
Mr. Meng experienced in travel and learning
Imperial rule and its web often have times of holes and disrepair.
He has tender feelings and words for his friend Zhe
Together they shake out the dust of the world from their clothes, go into seclusion.
How nice is Zhouzi
Left his official post pleading illness.
Treasured a heart-mind that is honest and clear
Entertain oneself easy and carefree.
Thick trees, my simple door deeply hidden from view
Very abundant streams of water.
Daily play the qin and read books
Looking around, these are my companions.
Having enough water to drink
Other than these things, need nothing else.
Thinking one thousand years into the past
Entrust myself to solitary travels in my imagination.
San Wu doctrine: Also known as the Five Elements or the Five Phases, and several other “Fives”. Common examples are the fire, water, wood, metal, and earth pattern.
“The five grains”: Under Confucius they were: soybeans, wheat, broomcorn and foxtail millet and hemp. Also known as: millet, rice, barley, wheat, and beans.