Her Scissors Cut in Half Some Frosty-White Silk: (Jade Tower in Spring)
半 幅 霜 绡 亲 于 剪: 玉 楼 春
半 幅 霜 绡 亲 于 剪。
香 染 青 蛾 和 泪 卷。
画 时 横 接 媚 霞 长
印 处 双 沾 愁 黛 浅。
当 时 付 我 情 何 限。
欲 使 妆 痕 长 在 眼。
一 回 忆 着 一 拈 看
便 似 花 前 重 见 面。
Ban Fu Shuang Xiao Qin Yu Jian: (Yu Lou Chun)
Ban fu shuang xiao qin yu jian.
Xiang ran qin e he lei juan.
Hua shi heng jiu mei xia chang
Yin chu shuang zhan chou dai qian.
Dang shi fu wo qing he xian.
Yu shi zhuang hen chang zai yan.
Yi hui yi zhao yi nian kan
Bian si hua qian chong jian mian.
Her Scissors Cut in Half Some Frosty-White Silk: (Jade-Like Tower in Spring)
Her scissors cut in half some frosty-white silk
Gentle tears on the fragrant bluish-green dyes upon the scroll.
During her painting session, from one end of the scroll to the other, they mingle with her long rosy clouds of dawn
Pair of wet and melancholy painted eyebrows also stained upon the silk.
At that special time we gave each other our feelings
Send out this scroll with traces of her tears and eye make-up.
When viewing this painting, he needs to be pinched by her sorrows and pains
Seeing her painted flowers should make him visualize her pretty face.
With Ci poems, the title comes from the poem’s first line, and the title of the music appears inside the parentheses.