Praise For Rural Households
农 家 叹
两 月 春 霖 三 日 晴
冬 寒 初 暖 稍 秧 青。
春 工 只 要 花 迟 著
愁 损 农 家 管 得 星。
Nong Jia Tan
Liang yue chun lin san ri qing
Dong han chu nuan shao yang qing.
Chun gong zhi yao hua chi zhu
Chou sun nong jia guan de xing.
Praise For Rural Households
Two months of springtime continuous rain, then three days of clearing
Winter cold begins to warm up, the green rice sprouts start to appear.
Spring workers want the late blossoms to set and flower
Too bad the minor celestial deities can only help these farming families so much.