Sixty Poems of Fields and Gardens in All Four Seasons: No. 51
四 时 田 园 杂 兴 六 十 首 并 引
屋 上 添 高 一 把 茅
密 泥 房 壁 似 僧 寮。
从 教 屋 外 阴 风 吼
卧 听 篱 头 响 玉 箫。
(51) Si Shi Tian Yuan Za Xing Liu Shi Shou Bing Yin
Wu shang tian gao yi ba mao
Mi ni fang bi si seng liao.
Cong jiao wu wai yin feng hou
Wo ting li tou xiang yu xiao.
Sixty Poems of Fields and Gardens in All Four Seasons: No. 51
This year able to increase the height of thatch upon their houses
Thickened clay mud onto their walls like the huts of monks.
Follow inside studies while outside the shadows and winds roar
They lie down and listen to the echoes of jade flutes off fence tops.