Pass By the Yifu Bridge
过 宜 福 桥
水 乡 泽 国 最 输 农
无 旱 无 干 只 有 丰。
碧 豆 密 争 桑 荫 底
绿 荷 杂 出 稻 花 中。
是 田 是 沼 浑 难 辨
何 地 何 村 不 一 同?
若 遣 明 年 无 种 予
却 愁 闲 雨 和 风!
Guo Yi Fu Qiao
Shui xiang ze guo zui shu nong
Wu han wu gan zhi you feng.
Bi dou mi zheng sang yin di
Lu he za chu dao hua zhong.
Shi tian shi zhao hun nan bian
He di he cun bu yi tong?
Ruo qian ming nian wu zhong yu
Que chou xian sha yu he feng!
Pass By the Yifu Bridge
Most hometown river and lake waters given to the farmers
There is plenty even during drought and times of little rainfall.
Bluish-green beans thick at the bottom of mulberry trees
Variety of immature lotus blooms arose from the rice paddies.
In these fields difficult to distinguish between natural and murky ponds
Which lands, which villages show any differences?
If the government asks for heavy taxes, next year may be short of seeds
Even with rainfall and calm winds, they may fall short!