Yang Wanli: Send Off Zhang Demao

Send Off Zhang Demao as an Envoy to the Captives in the Northern Areas Controlled by the Jin

送 章 德 茂 少 卿 使 虏

雪 后 间 君 策 马 蹄
长 缨 自 请 系 撑 犁。
光 华 剑 佩 伊 吾 北
弹 压 风 涛 瀚 海 西。

汉 苑 秦 关 愁 外 眼
边 花 寒 月 醉 中 题。
归 来 听 履 星 辰 上
谁 道 淮 阴 假 镇 齐?

Song Zhang De Mao Shao Qing Shi Lu

Xue hou jiang jun ce ma ti
Chang ying zi qing ji cheng li.
Guang hua jian pei yi wu bei
Tan ya feng tao han hai xi.

Han yuan qin guang chou wai yan
Bian hua han yue zui zhong ti.
Gui lai ting lu xing chen shang
Shei dao huai yin jia zhen qi?

Send Off Zhang Demao as an Envoy to the Captives in the Northern Areas Controlled by the Jin

After the snowfall you plan to depart on horseback
Naturally take along the long tassels and banners of an envoy.
Your radiant sword and waist pendants to visit our lost northern regions
As well as to pacify the uprisings in the west.

You will pass by orchards from the Han Dynasty, through the sorrows of Qin mountain passes
I imagine that under a cold moon at the border, you will drink in abundance to write your observations and reports.
Returning to the palace they and the stars above will sense your heavy footsteps
Who on the roads around the Huai River will forget the previous false officials?