Yang Wanli: Read Aloud Tang Dynasty Poems of Wang Anshi

Read Aloud Tang Dynasty Poems of Wang Anshi and Others as Comparison

读 唐 人 及 半 山 诗

不 分 唐 人 与 半 山
无 端 横 欲 割 诗 坛。
半 山 便 遣 能 参 透
犹 有 唐 人 是 一 关。

32. Du Tang Ren Ji Ban Shan Shi

Bu fen tang ren yu ban shan
Wu duan heng ge shi tan.
Ban shan bian qian neng can tou
You you tang ren shi yi guan.

Read Aloud Tang Dynasty Poems of Wang Anshi and Others as Comparison

Compared to Wang Anshi, most Tang Dynasty poems seem the same
Then suddenly I realized Tang poetry changed and evolved.
Now I can read Wang’s poems with a deeper understanding and appreciation
Sometimes the Tang poets are like a closed mountain pass for me.