Yang Wanli: Evening Read Aloud Poetry Scrolls

Evening Read Aloud Poetry Scrolls

夜 读 诗 卷

幽 屏 元 无 恨
清 愁 不 自 任。
两 窗 两 横 卷
一 读 一 沾 襟。

只 有 三 更 月
知 予 万 古 心。
病 来 谢 杯 杓
吟 罢 重 长 吟。

Ye Du Shi Juan

You ping yuan wu he
Qing chou bu zi ren.
Liang chuang liang heng juan
Yi di yi zhan jin.

Zhi yu san geng yue
Zhi yu wan gu xin.
Bing lai xie bei shao
Yin ba chong chang yin.

Evening Read Aloud Poetry Scrolls

Read the early scrolls of seclusion without regrets
Not natural to assume the purity of sorrows.
Two windows, two horizontal shelves of scrolls
One poem read, one moist shirt front.

Only have the three changes of the moon
That knows of my many earlier poems full of love for my country.
Illness arrives, thankful for a ladle and spoonfuls of rice porridge
Chanting stops, yielding to a long sigh.