Yang Wanli: Send Off Second Son Yang Cigong

Send Off Second Son Yang Cigong to Work in Anren Doing Tax Duties

送 次 公 子 之 官 安 仁 监 税

汝 仕 今 差 晚
家 庭 莫 恨 离 。
学 须 官 事 了
廉 忌 世 人 知。

争 进 非 身 福
临 民 只 母 慈。
关 正 岂 得 已
垄 断 欲 何 为!

Song Ci Gong Zi Zhi Guan An Ren Jian Shui

Ru shi jin cha wan
Jia ting mo hen li.
Xue xu guan shi liao
Lian ji shi ren zhi.

Zheng jin fei shen fu
Lin min zhi mu ci.
Guan zheng qi de yi
Long duan yu he wei!

Send Off Second Son Yang Cigong to Work in Anren Doing Tax Duties

You have received this official position late in life
Do not resent this inside our family courtyard.
Having learned all of the ways of officialdom
Hold fast to purity and honesty, then society will quietly know who you are.

Don’t have to strive and compete for the rewards of an easy life
Treat the local people as you have done for your mother.
Although your job involves the collection of taxes
Respect the people as you perform your duties!