Lu Yu: Third Lunar Month, Seventeenth Day, Evening Drunk Making This Composition


Third Lunar Month Seventeenth Day, Evening Drunk Making This Composition


三 月 十 七 日 夜 醉 中 作
前 年 脍 鲸 东 海 上
白 浪 如 山 寄 豪 壮。
去 年 射 虎 南 山 秋
夜 归 急 雪 满 貂 裘。
今 年 摧 颓 最 堪 笑
华 发 苍 颜 羞 自 照。
谁 知 得 酒 尚 能 狂
脱 帽 向 人 时 大 叫。
逆 胡 未 灭 心 未 平
孤 剑 床 头 铿 有 声。
破 驿 梦 回 灯 欲 声
打 窗 风 雨 正 三 更。
San Yue Shi Qi Ri Ye Zui Zhong Zuo

Qian nian kuai jing dong hai shang
Bai lang ru shan ji hao zhuang.
Qu nian she hu nan shan qiu
Ye gui ji xue man diao qiu.

Jin nian cui tui zuikan xiao
Hua fa cang yan xiu zi zhao.
Shei zhi de jiu shang neng kuang
Tuo mao xiang ren shi da jiao.

Ni hu wei mie xin wei ping
Gu jian chuang tou keng yu sheng.
Po yi meng hui deng yu si
Da chuang feng yu zheng san geng.


Third Lunar Month Seventeenth Day, Evening Drunk Making This Composition

Last year ate slices of a whale on the eastern sea
White-capped waves like grand and heroic mountains.
Last year shot a tiger in the southern mountains
Evening return, sudden snows filled my mink coat.

This year I am a joke, destroyed and collapsed
Face and hair turned white, naturally not proud of myself.
Who knows, all I need is some wine to be wild and crazy
Remove my hat, shout and wave at the people.

The Xiongnu not vanquished, my heart not yet calmed
Solitary sword hangs at the head of my bed, clanging sounds at times.
On this return, broken and nearly-abandoned post station with a flickering lantern
Around midnight, dozens of windows take on the wind and rain.



Xiongnu: Federation of Mongolian tribes to the north of the Great Wall.