Lu Yu: Yue Chi Farmer Household


Yue Chi Farmer Households


岳 池 农 家
春 深 农 家 耕 未 足
原 头 叱 叱 两 黄 犊。
泥 融 无 块 水 初 浑
雨 细 有 痕 秧 正 绿。
绿 秧 分 时 风 日 美
时 平 未 有 差 科 起。
实 花 西 舍 喜 成 婚
持 酒 东 邻 贺 生 子。
谁 言 农 家 不 人 时
小 姑 画 得 城 中 眉。
一 双 素 手 无 人 识
空 村 相 唤 看 缫 丝。
农 家 农 家 乐 复 乐
不 比 市 照 争 夺 恶。
宦 游 所 得 真 几 何?
我 已 三 年 废 东 作。
Yue Chi Nong Jia

Chun shen nong jia geng wei zu
Yuan tou chi chi liang huang du.
Ni rong wu kuai shui chu hun
Yu xi you hen yang zheng lu.

Lu yang fen shi feng ri mei
Shi ping wei you cha ke qi.
Mai hua xi she xi cheng hun
Chi jiu dong lin he sheng zi.

Shei yan nong jia bu ru shi
Xiao gu hua de cheng zhong mei.
Yi shuang su shou wu ren shi
Kong cun xiang huan kan sao si.

Nong jia nong jua le fu le
Bu bi shi zhao zheng duo wu.
Huan you suo de zhen ji he?
Wo yi san nian fei dong zuo.


Yue Chi Farmer Households

Late spring farm households yet to adequately plant enough
Up ahead they loudly call out to two yellow calves.
Where the animals go, the field water turns murky and the mud begins to dry
Light rain upon the tops of vertical green sprouts.

Season to separate the rice sprouts on this pretty and windy day
Peaceful times, not yet bothered by the tax collectors or soldiers.
To the west bought flowers that produce joyful weddings
Eastern neighbors bring wine to celebrate the anticipation of babies.

Who said rural households are not fancy
Young ladies know how to apply eyebrow liner the same as city folk.
One pair of simple hands without the marks of manual labor
Whole village gathers to watch them spin silk thread onto reels.

Rural families and farmer households with wall-to-wall happiness
Do not copy the markets at dawn that compete and show contempt.
How many really like me, travel on official business?
Already I have been here three years, abandoned to this rural life.