Solitary Crane Flies Back (Spring Garden Fragrances)
沁 园 春
孤 鹤 归 飞
再 过 辽 天
换 尽 旧 人。
念 累 累 枯 冢
茫 茫 梦 境;
王 侯 蝼 蚁
毕 竟 成 尘。
载 酒 园 林
寻 花 苍 陌
当 日 何 曾 轻 负 春?
流 年 改, 叹 围
腰 带 剩, 点 鬓 霜 新。
交 亲 散 落 如 云
又 岂 料 如 今 余 此 身。
幸 眼 明 身 健
茶 甘 饭 软;
非 惟 我 老
更 有 人 贫。
躲 尽 危 机
消 残 壮 志
短 艇 湖 中 闲 采 莼。
吾 何 恨
有 渔 翁 共 醉
溪 友 为 邻。
Qin Yuan Chun
Gu he gui fei
Zai guo liao tian
Huan jin jiu ren.
Nian lei lei ku zhong
Mang mang meng jing;
Wang hou lou yi
Bi jing cheng chen.
Zai jiu yuan lin
Xun hua cang mo
Dang ri he ceng qing fu chun?
Liu nian gai, tan wei
Yao dai sheng, dian bin shuang xin.
Jiao qin san luo ru yun
You qi liao ru jin yu ci shen.
Xing yan ming shen jian
Cha gan fan ruan;
Fei wei wo lao
Geng you ren pin.
Duo jin wei ji
Xiao can zhuang zhi
Duan ting hu zong xian cai chun.
Wu he hen
You yu weng gong zui
Xi you wei lin.
Solitary Crane Flies Back (Spring Garden Fragrances)
A solitary crane flies back far away across the sky
Most of the people from my past have changed.
Think of the clusters of withered graves
Boundless and vast the old dreams;
Royalty and nobility rest the same as the crickets and ants
In the end they are all dust.
Today I write about wine, garden and forests
Daily should I rely on life’s light like in the spring?
Time flies by, my waist belt needs to be cinched up more
Temple hair spotted with white like frost.
Relatives and friends scattered about, met some buffeted like the clouds
Who knows how much life we have left.
Fortunately my eyes are good, and health still strong
Taste the sweetness of tea and of mild rice;
Enjoy brief leisures of a small lake boat and the gathering of water lilies
How can I have any regrets
Altogether the old fishermen and I can get drunk
Friends along the stream make good neighbors.