Reading “Mountains and Seas Stories” : Thirteen Poems: No. 10
读 “山 海 经”: 十 三 首
精 卫 衔 微 木
将 以 填 沧 海。
刑 天 舞 干 戚
猛 志 固 常 在。
同 物 既 无 虑
化 去 不 复 悔。
徒 设 在 昔 心
良 晨 讵 可 得?
Du “Shan Hai Jing“: Shi San Shou
Jing wei xian wei mu
Jiang yi tian cang hai.
Xing tian wu gan qi
Meng zhi gu chang zai.
Tong wu ji wu lu
Hua qu bu fu hui.
Tu she zai xi xin
Liang chen ju ke dei ?
Reading “Mountains and Seas Stories” : Thirteen Poems: No. 10
Jingwei held a branch in its mouth
Trying to lower the water level, drops it into the deep blue sea.
The immortal Xingtian danced with a maple tree ax
His fierce and strong will constant.
All things share the same essence, so no need for concerns
Even after death, these essences regretfully remain.
For me, my heart-mind will also continue
Is this a good time for me to realize my desires?
Jingwei is a mythical bird said to be the reincarnation of the drowned daughter of Yandi, who was a legendary ruler of remote antiquity. This bird tried to fill up the East Sea with pebbles to raise the water level. Often used as an example of dogged determination to achieve one purpose.
Xingtian was an immortal who had a fight with the emperor.