Early Morning, Leave On the Huai River
淮 上 早 发
淡 月 倾 云 晓 角 哀
小 风 吹 水 碧 鳞 开。
此 生 定 向 江 湖 老
默 数 淮 中 十 往 来。
Huai Shang Zao Fa
Dan yue qing yun xiao jue ai
Xiao feng chui shui bi lin kai.
Ci sheng ding xiang jiang hu lao
Mo shu huai zhong shi wang lai.
Early Morning, Leave On the Huai River
Thin crescent moon, slanting clouds at dawn, conch blowing revelry saddens me
Soft wind blows, water a bluish-green phosphorescence.
This life destined to end traveling on rivers and lakes
For ten times I have gone up and down the Huai River.
Huai River : Major river that runs from west to east in between the larger Yellow River and the Changjiang (Yangzi).