Su Dongpo: News of a Victory


News of a Victory


闻 捷
闻 说 官 军 取 乞 訚
将 军 旗 鼓 捷 如 神。
故 知 无 定 河 边 柳
得 共 中 原 雪 絮 春。
Wen Jie

Wen shuo guan jun qu qi yin
Jiang jun qi gu jie ru shen.
Gu zhi wu ding he bian liu
De gong zhong yuan xue xu chun.


News of a Victory

News indicates that the government army has retaken Qi Yin
Army general’s flags and drums reveal a supernatural victory.
Traditional and former knowledge talks of the Wuding River
banks having willow trees
In common with the Yellow River banks that have spring seeds like cotton.



Wuding River: Tributary to the Yellow River in Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia provinces.