Wang Wei: Autumn Evening Song


Autumn Evening Song (Water Clock Drips)


秋 夜 曲(丁 丁 漏 水)
丁 丁 漏 水 夜 何 长
满 满 轻 阴 露 月 光。
秋 逼 暗 虫 通 夕 响
寒 衣 未 寄 莫 飞 霜。
Qiu Ye Qu (Ding Ding Lou Shui)

Ding ding lou shui ye he chang
Man man qing yin lu yue guang.
Qiu bi an chong tong xi xiang
Han yi wei ju mo fei shuang.


Autumn Evening Song (Water Clock Drips)

Water clock drip drips, the night is so long
Endless thin shadows and dew in the bright moonlight.
Autumn evening presses on, echoes from hidden insect chatter
Cold-weather clothes not yet mailed, everywhere unexpected frost.