Old Horse Travels
老 马 行
老 马 虺 颓 依 晚 照
自 计 岂 堪 三 品 料?
玉 鞭 金 络 付 梦 相
瘦 稗 枯 萁 空 咀 噍。
中 原 蝗 旱 胡 运 衰
王 师 北 伐 方 传 诏。
一 闻 战 鼓 意 气 生
犹 能 为 国 平 燕 赵。
Lao Ma Xing
Lao ma hui tui yi wan zhao
Zi ji qi kan san pin liao?
Yu bian jin luo fu meng xiang
Shou bai ku qi kong ju jiao.
Zhong yuan huang han hu yun shuai
Wang shi bei fa fang chuan zhao.
Yi wen zhan gu yi qi sheng
You neng wei guo ping yan zhao.
Old Horse Travels
This old horse ill and exhausted, relies on late in the day sunshine
Naturally can I really endure the duties of a government position?
Think it is only a dream to be such a strong and fancy horse
Can only handle thin and withered millet stalks to chew and eat.
Central Plains under the northern nomad care have turned the lands into a dry wasteland of grasshoppers
Imperial government issues a new edict to remove these invaders.
When one hears the war drums, my spirit and desires come to life
Not able to lead, just turn me loose on the plains of Yan and Zhao.
Central Plains: Lower Yellow River region in northern China.
Yan and Zhao: Lands that included the provinces of Hebei, Henan, and Shanxi.