Li Bai: Heng River Lyrics: Six Poems: No. 3


Heng River Lyrics: Six Poems: No. 3


横 江 词: 六 首
横 江 西 望 阻 西 秦
汉 水 东 连 扬 子 津。
白 浪 如 山 那 可 渡?
狂 风 愁 杀 峭 帆 人。
Heng Jiang Ci: Liu Shou


Heng jiang xi wang zu xi qin
Han shui dong lian yang zi jin.
Bai lang ru shan na ke du?
Kuang feng chou sha qiao fan ren.


Heng River Lyrics: Six Poems: No. 3

Gazing west into the distance, Heng River obstructs the western Qin region
To the east, the ferry crossing connects the Han River to the city of Yangzi.
With waves like mountains, who can go across?
Fierce winds bring sorrow and weakness to the sailboat owners.



Qin region: Western area of China, and one of the states during the Zhou Dynasty.

Han River:  The longest tributary to the  Changjiang (Yangzi River) in Hubei Province. It flows into the city of Wuhan from the north.