Bai Juyi: White Tree Peonies


[updated September 2022]


White Tree Peonies


白 牡 丹
白 花 冷 淡 无 人 爱
亦 占 芳 名 道 牡 丹。
应 似 东 宫 白 赞 善
辈 人 还 唤 做 朝 官。
Bai Mu Dan

Bai hua leng dan wu ren ai
Yi zhan fang ming dao mu dan.
Ying si dong gong bia zan
Bei ren huan huan zuo chao guan.


White Tree Peonies

People are indifferent to these white flowers
Yet the tree peonies retain a good, sweet-smelling reputation.
As I am retained inside the Eastern Palace
Senior officials called back to perform inner circle court duties.