Du Mu: Abandoned Village


[updated October 2022]


Abandoned Village


题 村 舍
三 树 稚 桑 春 未 到
扶 床 乳 女 午 啼 饥。
潜 销 暗 铄 归 何 处
万 指 侯 家 自 不 知。
Ti Cun She

San shu zhi sang chun wei dao
Fu chuang fu nu wu ti ji.
Qian xiao an shuo gui he chu
Wan zhi hou jia zi bu zhi.


Abandoned Village

Several young mulberry trees, spring has yet to arrive
At noon a baby girl thinking of milk cries of hunger.
Returning home, they do not know where the hidden remnants of food have gone
Even the fingers of workers for the rich nobility do not know.