Yang Wanli: Rainfall in the Far Distance

Rainfall in the Far Distance

望 雨

云 兴 惠 山 顶
雨 放 太 湖 脚。
初 愁 望 中 远
忽 在 头 上 落。

白 羽 障 鸟 巾
衣 袖 已 沾 渥。
归 来 看 檐 溜
如 泻 万 仞 岳。

霆 裂 大 瑶 瓮
电 萦 湿 银 索。
须 臾 水 平 阶
花 坞 失 半 角。

定 知 秧 畴 满
想 见 田 父 乐。
向 来 春 夏 交
早 气 亦 太 虐。

山 川 已 遍 走
云 物 竟 索 寞。
双 鬓 愁 得 白
两 膝 拜 将 剥。
早 如 有 今 雨
老 怀 枉 作 恶。

Wang Yu

Yun xing hui shan ding
Yu fang tai hu jue.
Chu chou wang zhong yuan
Hu zai tou shang luo.

Bai yu zhang niao jin
Yi xiu yi zhan wo.
Gui lai kan yan liu
Ru xie wan ren yue.

Ting lie da yao wen
Dian ying shi yin suo.
Xu yu shui ping jie
Hua wu shi ban jiao.

Ding zhi yang chou man
Xiang jian tian fu le.
Xiang lai chun xia jiao
Zao qi yi tai nue.

Shan chuan yi bian zou
Yun wu jing suo mo.
Shuang bin chou de bai
Liang xi bai jiang bao.
Zao ru you jin yu
Lao huai wang zuo wu.

Rainfall in the Far Distance

Clouds flourish around the peaks of Mt. Hui
Rain released in the foothills of Lake Hu.
Begin to worry that the rainfall may not come in my direction
But then it starts to cover me from head to toe.

Use my white-feathered hat and black wrap as a cooling device
Already sleeves and clothes deeply wet.
Back home watch the water gliding down the eaves
Like the rushing down off high elevation mountain peaks.

Thunderclaps broke open the wine earthen jars
Lightning illuminates the braided silver chains at each eave corner.
Quickly the water level reaches the lowest stair
Low-lying flowers half washed away from their corners.

Definitely know the farmland seedlings have had enough
Probably implies that the old farmers are very happy.
Usually late spring, early summer a time of drought.
When the dry air can be extremely cruel and unforgiving.

Already I had visited the mountains and river deities to pray for rain
Clouds pay no attention to me, just want to be left alone.
Both temple hair locks white from melancholy
From kowtowing, both knees have peeled and damaged skin.
If I knew of this early seasonal rain ahead of time
Then this man’s heart would not be so upset about them not listening to me.