Yang Wanli: Two Days After Mid-Autumn Under the Moon

My Friend Xu Kezhang Had Planted a Thousand Flower Garden in His Valley Village, Two Days After Mid-Autumn Under the Moon We Passed Around the Wine Cups

重 九 后 二 日 同 徐 克 章 登 万 花 川 谷 月 下 傳 觞

老 夫 渴 急 月 更 急
酒 落 杯 中 月 先 入。
领 取 青 天 并 入 束
和 月 和 天 都 蘸 湿。

天 既 爱 酒 自 古 传
月 不 解 饮 直 浪 言;
举 杯 江 月 一 口 吞
举 头 见 月 犹 在 天!

老 夫 大 笑 问 客 道:
“月 是 一 团 两 团?”
酒 入 诗 肠 风 火 发
月 入 肠 冰 雪 沷;

一 杯 未 尽 诗 已 成
诵 诗 向 天 天 亦 惊。
焉 知 万 古 一 骸 骨
酌 酒 更 吞 一 团 月!

Chong Jiu Hou Er Ri Tong Xu Ke Zhang Deng Wan Hua Chuan Gu Yue Xia Chuan Shang

Lao fu ke ji yue geng ji
Jiu luo bei zhong yue xian ru.
Ling qu qing tian bing ru shu
He yue he tian dou zhan shi.

Tian ji ai jiu zi gu zhuan
Yue bu jie yin zhi lang yan;
Ju bei jiang yue yi kou tun
Ju tou jian yue you zai tian!

Lao fu da xiao wen ke dao:
“Yue shi yi tuan liang tuan?”
Jiu ru shi chang feng huo fa
Yue ru chang bing xue fa;

Yi bei wei jin shi yi cheng
Yong shi xiang tian tian yi jing.
Yan zhi wan gu yi hai gu
Zhuo jiu geng tun yi tuan yue!

My Friend Xu Kezhang Had Planted a Thousand-Flower Garden in His Valley Village, Two Days After Mid-Autumn Under the Moon We Passed Around the Wine Cups

This old man so thirsty, yet the moon urgently beats me to the wine cup
Before I can take a drink, the moon jumped into my wine cup.
The green mountains and blue sky jump in as well
Calm moon and calm sky both enjoy their our reflections.

The ancients naturally knew that the sky always loves wine
Some say this is false, but this may be beyond their imagination.
With one swallow, I take in both wine and the moon
But looking up, the moon is still living in the sky!

This old man with a laugh asks the highway visitors
“Is this moon one circle, or is it two circles?”
The wine enters inside me with breath and fire to make this poem
The moon enters inside me like the dharma of icy snow.

One cup still remains, but the poems have already been finished
Holding up this poem towards the sky, it too is startled.
With this we know the thousands of ancients are boney skeletons
Swallowing one lunar circle changes the wine drinker!