Yang Wanli: Send Off Qiu Zongqing of Sichuan

Send Off Qiu Zongqing of Sichuan

送 丘 宗 卿 帅 蜀

谕 蜀 宣 威 百 万 兵
不 须 号 令 自 精 明。
酒 挥 勃 律 天 西 碗
鼓 卧 蓬 婆 雪 外 城。

二 月 海 棠 倾 国 色
五 更 杜 宇 说 乡 情。
少 陵 山 谷 千 年 恨
不 遇 丘 迟 眼 为 青。

Song Qiu Zong Qing Shuai Shu

Yu shu xuan wei bai wan bing
Bu xu hao ling zi jing ming.
Jiu hui bo lu tian xi wan
Gu wo peng po xue wai cheng.

Er yue hai tang qing guo se
Wu geng du yu shui xiang qing.
Shao ling shan gu qian nian hen
Bu yi qiu chi yan wei qing.

Send Off Qiu Zongqing of Sichuan

Heard you received an imperial summon to train thousands of soldiers
They are naturally very able, so no need for you to yell at them.
Poems from you of the western skies while drinking your wine
Do not need the drums of war to enjoy the snowy mountains outside the city walls.

Second lunar month has crab-apple trees within elegant scenery
At the fifth watch, the birds cry out for the visitors who long for their hometowns.
For a thousand years, the likes of Du Fu regret not meeting you in these mountains and valleys
They could not meet you with your fair and critical eyes.


Fifth watch: Early morning hours just before dawn.

Du Fu: (712-770) Tang Dynasty poet. Poems and biography can also be found on this website.