Yang Wanli: Clear Dawn Go Outside

Clear Dawn, Go Outside the Outer Walls to Meet Nearby Village Visitors

清 晓 出 郭 迓 客 里 庄

偏 得 春 怜 是 柳 条
腰 支 别 作 一 般 娇。
微 风 不 动 渠 犹 舞
刚 道 东 风 转 舞 腰。

Qing Xiao Chu Guo Ya Ke Li Zhuang

Pian de chun lian shi liu tiao
Yao zhi bie zuo yi ban jiao.
Wei feng bu dong qu you wu
Gang dao don feng zhuan wu yao.

Clear Dawn, Go Outside the Outer Walls to Meet Nearby Village Visitors

Feelings for springtime slanting willow tree twigs
So charming they have specially set up their unique beauty.
Even in a light breeze, the limbs move and do their movements
East winds strong enough to turn their dancing waists.