Yang Wanli: Developing Gingko Tree Forest

Developing Gingko Tree Forest

发 银 树 林

莫 过 溪 桥 银 树 林
溪 深 未 抵 路 泥 深。
清 风 一 阵 掠 人 面
晴 色 半 开 关 客 心。

远 岭 惹 云 秋 里 雪
淡 天 刷 墨 晓 来 阴。
几 多 好 句 争 投 我
柳 夺 花 偷 底 处 寻?

Fa Yin Shu Lin

Mo guo xi qiao yin shu lin
Xi shen wei di lu ni shen.
Qing feng yi zhen lue ren mian
Qing se ban kai guan ke xin.

Yuan ling re yun qiu li xue
Dan tian shua mo xiao lai yin.
Ji duo hao ju zheng tou wo
Liu duo hua tou di chu xun?

Developing Gingko Tree Forest

Moguo small stream and bridge in the gingko forest
Road fords this stream, now deep with mud.
For a while, clear winds sweep past human faces
Half open clearing sky, colors stir the emotions of visitors.

Distant mountain range inside snow, autumn clouds on the move
Lightning sky, dawn arrives with black-ink stroke shadows.
Many good lines yet to be written, they just seem to come to me
Why are they seized by the willow tree flowers, only to fade away into the background?