Laozi: Dao De Jing: Chapter 67
吾 有 三 宝
持 而 保 之:
一 日 慈, 二 日 检
三 日 不 敢 为 天 下 先。
夫 慈 姑 能 勇
俭 姑 能 广
不 敢 为 天 下 先
姑 能 成 器 长。
今 舍 慈 且 勇
舍 俭 且 广
舍 后 且 先
则 必 死 矣!
夫 慈 以 战 则 胜
以 守 则 固
天 将 以 慈 救 之
以 慈 卫 之。
Wu you san bao
Chi er bao zhi:
Yi ri ci, er ri jian
San ri bu gan wei tian xia xian.
Fu ci gu neng yong
Jian gu neng guang
Bu gan wei tian xia xian
Gu neng cheng qi chang.
Jin she ci qie yong
She jian qie guang
She hou qie xian
Ze bi si yi!
Fu ci yi zhan ze sheng
Yi shou ze gu.
Tian jiang yi ci jiu zhi
Yi ci wei zhi.
Chapter 67
We have the Three Treasures
Which we tend to hold onto and protect:
The first is love and compassion
The second is simplicity and frugality
The third is to avoid bravado down here on earth.
With love and compassion we can find true courage
With simplicity and frugality we are able to be generous.
By avoiding worldly bravado
We are able to produce the abilities of tolerance.
In these days, to abandon love and compassion is to forego courage
To abandon simplicity and frugality is to forego generosity and charity
And to abandon the past is to forego the future
This would be the death of our moral standards!
Mankind’s love and compassion can be successful with our challenges
To stand firm and resolute in guarding our honor and integrity.
Heaven supports these efforts to cherish this love and compassion
By defending those who rise to these challenges.
The Classic of the Dao: A New Investigation
By Wang Keping
Foreign Languages Press, Beijing 1998