Yang Wanli: Sunset Heat Travel Upon a Lotus Pond: Five Poems: No. 4


Sunset Heat Travel Lotus Upon a Pond: Five Poems: No. 4


暮 热 游 荷 池 上: 五 首
也 不 多 时 便 立 秋
寄 声 残 暑 速 拘 收。
瘦 蝉 有 得 许 多 气?
吟 落 斜 阳 未 肯 休。
Mu Re You He Chi Shang: Wu Shou

Ye bu duo shi bian li qiu
Ji sheng can shu su ju shou.
Shou chan you de xu duo qi?
Yin luo xie yang wei ken xiu.


Sunset Heat Travel Lotus Upon a Pond: Five Poems: No. 4

Not too far away the season will easily turn into the signs of autumn
Tell the summer heat to not linger much longer.
How many more gulps of breath do the lean cicadas still have?
Into the disappearing sun you continue to chirp until the very end.