Lu Yu: Late Spring


Late Spring


暮 春
数 间 茅 屋 镜 湖 滨
万 卷 藏 书 不 救 贫。
燕 去 燕 来 还 过 日
花 开 花 落 即 经 春。
开 编 喜 见 平 生 友
照 水 惊 非 囊 岁 人。
自 笑 灭 胡 心 尚 在
凭 高 慷 慨 欲 忘 身。
Mu Chun

Shu jian mao wu jing hu bin
Wan juan cang shu bu jiu pin.
Yan qu yan lai huan guo ri
Hua kai hua luo ji jing chun.

Kai bian xi jian ping sheng you
Zhao shui jing fei nang sui ren.
Zi xiao mei hu xin shang zai
Ping gao kang kai yu wang shen.


Late Spring

Several thatched houses lakeside on the mirrored lake
In poverty, I have a collection of innumerable books and scrolls.
Daily the swallows come and go
Normal spring with open blossoms about to fall down.

Happy to see some lifelong friends who like to share the books
Mirrored water images startle me with bags under my eyes.
Naturally smile when I remember how we extinguished the northern nomads
Under the eaves, bookshelves lead me to forget this energetic first half of life.


Commentary: Lu Yu had lived for thirty-two years at this remote vacation house of his.