Lu Yu: Write of Hai Shouzuo, Buddhist and Martial Arts Master


Write of Hai Shouzuo, Buddhist and Martial Arts Master, While Visiting His Statue


题 海 首 座 侠 客 像
赵 魏 胡 尘 千 丈 黄
遗 民 膏 血 饱 豺 狼。
功 名 不 遣 斯 人 了
无 奈 和 戎 白 面 郎!
Ti Hai Shou Zuo Xia Ke Xiang

Zhao wei hu chen qian zhang huang
Yi min gao xie bao chai lang.
Gong ming bu qian si ren liao
Wu nai he rong bai mian lang!


Write of Hai Shouzuo, Buddhist and Martial Arts Master, While Visiting His Statue

From the Warring States period in Hebei, thousands foot-high yellow dust clouds on the northern borders
Jackals and wolves eat the flesh and blood of the Yi people.                      Success and fame cannot dispel the accomplishments of those serving in a new dynasty.
No alternatives except to allow our white-faced people to negotiate with the Rong.



Jackals and wolves: Evil and corrupt people

Yi and Rong people: Ethnic minority people in southwest China.

White-faced people: These are the officials and diplomats who never have to work outside, and thus tan their faces.