Lu Yu: Writing About Arising From an Illness


Writing About Arising From an Illness


病 起 书 怀
病 骨 支 离 纱 帽 宽
孤 臣 万 里 客 江 于。
位 卑 未 敢 忘 忧 国
事 定 犹 须 待 阖 棺。
天 地 神 灵 扶 庙 社
京 华 父 老 望 和 銮。
出 师 一 表 通 今 古
夜 半 挑 灯 更 细 看。
Bing Qi Shu Huai

Bing gu zhi li sha mao kuan
Gu chen wan li ke jiang gan.
Wei bei wei gan wang you guo
Shi ding you xu dai he guan.

Tian di shen ling fu miao she
Jing hua fu lao wang he luan.
Chu shi yi biao tong jin gu
Ye ban tiao deng geng xi kan.


Writing About Arising From an Illness

With weak bones, propped up wearing a wide-brimmed gauze hat
From this riverbank a solitary official thousands of miles from home.
In a lowly ranked position, some courage to not forget the country’s issues
Still above sod and not yet ready for my coffin.

Heaven and earth heart-mind spirit will be helped with divine intervention
Old capital city with old men gazing into the distance to see if curtained carriages can return.
Zhu Geling wrote to suggest we remain close to the good and ancient
Near midnight lanterns, wish the country and its leaders follow this advice.