Lu Yu: Travel to Mt. Jinping


Travel to Mt. Jingping to Call Upon the Ancestral Shrines and Halls of Du Fu


游 锦 屏 山 谒 沙 陵 祠 堂
城 中 飞 阁 连 危 亭
处 处 轩 窗 临 锦 屏。
涉 江 亲 到 锦 屏 上
却 望 城 郭 如 丹 青。
虚 堂 奉 祠 子 杜 子
眉 宇 高 寒 照 江 水。
古 来 磨 灭 知 几 人
此 老 至 今 元 不 死!
山 川 寂 寞 客 子 谜
草 木 摇 落 壮 士 悲。
文 章 垂 世 自 一 事
忠 义 凛 凛 令 人 思。
夜 归 沙 头 雨 如 注
北 风 吹 船 横 半 渡。
亦 知 此 老 愤 未 平
万 窍 争 号 泄 悲 怒!
You Jin Ping Shan Ye Sha Ling Ci Tang

Cheng zhong fei ge lian wei ting
Chu chu xuan chuang lin jin ping.
She jiang qin dao jin ping shang
Que wang cheng guo ru dan qing.

Xu tang feng ci zi du zi
Mei yu gao han zhao jiang shui.
Gu lai mo mie zhi ji ren
Ci lao zhi jin yuan bu si!

Shan chuan ji mo ke zi mi
Cao mu yao luo zhuang shi bei.
Wen zhang chui shi zi yi shi
Zhong yi lin lin ling ren si.

Ye gui sha tou yu ru zhu
Bei feng chui chuan heng ban du.
Yi zhi ci lao fen wei ping
Wan qiao zheng hao xie bei nu!


Travel to Mt. Jingping to Call Upon the Ancestral Shrines and Halls of Du Fu

From within city walls, go out to pavilions with flying eaves connected to large courtyards
All structures with verandas and windows to view multi-colored flowers.
After fording the river, come to within the mountains of Jinping
Looking back from city walls, the distant scenery like a painting.

Vacant main halls, pay respects for the ancestral shrine of Du Fu
Tall painted eaves and his large full portrait with daybreak water in his eyes.
Since time immemorial, many people and their knowledge of him have worn away
But here he is, and still not dead!

In these mountains and rivers solitary visitors still feel his presence
Grasses and trees the same for Du Fu, strong men as him still sad for the country.
Naturally his one famous talent was to hand down hidden meanings for society
When people think of him, they also remember he was loyal, righteous, and awe-inspiring as a person.

Return to the ferry landing with rain pouring down hard
Northern winds blowing, boats have to tack back and forth to go across.
I know this old man was angry that our world is still not right
With sadness and fury, his wailing still flows through every pore of his being!



Mt. Jinping:  Rugged mountain range running north and south in the province of Sichuan. The Yalong River wraps around these mountains.

Du Fu:  (712-770): Major Chinese poet during the high Tang Dynasty. His biography and work can also be found on this website.