Bai Juyi: Compare the Women Firewood Sellers to Those Who Dance For a Living


[updated September 2022]


Compare the Women Firewood Sellers to Those Who Dance For a Living


代 卖 薪 女 赠 诸 妓
乱 逢 为 鬓 布 为 巾
晓 踏 寒 山 自 负 薪。
一 种 钱 塘 江 畔 女
著 红 骑 马 是 何 人?
Dai Mai Xin Nu Zeng Zhu Ji

Luan feng wei bin bu wei jin
Xiao ta han shan zi fu xin.
Yi zhong qian tang jiang pan nu
Zhu hong qi ma shi he ren?


Compare the Women Firewood Sellers to Those Who Dance For a Living

Hair messed and in a tangle, use only one crude scarf
At daybreak, they walk out of the cold mountains to sell their firewood.
Others grew up together as wealthy women at Qiangtang riverbanks
Who are they that wear red dresses while riding their horses?



Qiangtang River:  Large river that runs closely to southern Hangzhou, a city in Zhejiang Province.