Du Fu: Southern Neighbors


[updated September 2022]


Southern Neighbors


南 邻
锦 里 先 生 乌 角 巾
园 收 芋 栗 未 全 贫。
惯 看 宾 客 儿 童 喜
得 食 阶 除 鸟 雀 驯。
秋 水 才 深 四 五 尺
野 航 恰 受 两 三 人。
白 沙 翠 竹 江 村 暮
相 送 柴 门 月 色 新。


Nan Lin

Jin li xian shen wu jiao jin
Yuan shou yu li wei quan pin.
Guan kan bin ke er tong xi
De shi jie chu niao qiao xun.

Qiu shui cai shen si wu chi
Ye hang qia shou liang san ren.
Bai sha cui zhu jiang cun mu
Xiang song chai men yue se xin.


Southern Neighbors

Jin Li’s early life was spent in the forests, hair bound up for hard work
Collected garden tubers, so they are not totally poor.
Gathered his and our happy children with us
Even the birds and sparrows are tame when approaching the steps for a meal.

Autumn waters can be up to four or five feet deep
In this open country their boat suitable for two or three people.
At sunset, white sands and emerald green bamboo in the river village
Send off each other from his humble place while the moon brings new colors.



Jin Li:  Du Fu’s neighbor and family to the south from his place.