Wang Wei: Send As a Gift to General Pei Min


Send as a Gift to General Pei Min


赠 裴 旻 将 军
腰 间 宝 剑 七 星 文
臂 上 雕 弓 百 战 勋。
见 说 云 中 擒 黠 虏
始 知 天 上 有 将 军。
Zeng Pei Min Jiang Jun

Yao jian bao jian qi xing wen
Bi shang diao gong bai zhan xun.
Jian shuo yun zhong qin xia lu
Shi zhi tian shang you jiang jun.


Send as a Gift to General Pei Min

On your waist, a treasured sword with seven jewels
Upon your shoulder, a carved bow used to fight many battles, gaining meritorious service
People tell that you are just like Yun Zhong, killing and capturing the enemy
Beginning to realize now, your military skills have been heaven sent.



Seven jewels: A famous historical sword studded with seven jewels.

Yun Zhong: An historical and well-regarded warrior banished into exile, but still virtuous.