Meng Haoran: Send As a Gift to Wang the Ninth


[updated September 2022]


Send As a Gift to Wang the Ninth


口 号 赠 王 九
日 暮 田 家 远
山 中 勿 久 淹。
归 人 须 早 去
稚 子 望 陶 潜。
Kou Hao Zeng Wang Jiu

Ri mu tian jia yuan
Shan zhong wu jiu yan.
Gui ren xu zao qu
Zhi zi wang tao qian.


Send As a Gift to Wang the Ninth

Sunset on the fields and distant houses
Do not linger too long amid the mountains.
People who came together have to depart in the morning
You are so young and talented, your future is like Tao Yuanming.



Tao Yuanming: (365-427) Famous East Jin Dynasty poet. His work and biographical information can also be found at this website.