Reflections On Early History: Nine Chapters
Chapter No. 4
读 史 述 九 章
遗 生 良 难, 士 为 知 己。、
望 义 知 归, 允 伊 二 子。
程 生 挥 剑, 惧 兹 馀 耻。
令 德 永 闻, 百 代 见 纪。
Du Shi Shu Jiu Zhang
Yi sheng liang nan, shi wei zhi ji.
Wang yi zhi gui, yun yi er zi.
Cheng sheng hui jian, ju zi yu chi.
Ling de yong wen, bai dai jian ji.
Reflections on Early History: Nine Chapters: Chapter No. 4
Good people find that losing their life is hard, but for a best friend, one can give up life.
They expect and know what will be returned, these two honor their word to each other.
After Cheng fulfilled his promise to Chu, he killed himself, if he did not do this, he feared the shame.
To have virtue and morality is always a cause to be well known, even after one hundred dynasties one can still see their names in written records.
Cheng of Chu: (?-626 BC) King of the Chu state from 671-626 BC.